
Vitamins that help with fatigue

During the autumn-winter period, most of us feel much more tired. As the sunshine decreases, the usual daily rhythm, daily activities and often also the diet change. Often people complain about the occurrence of mental health-related problems (low mood, anxiety, etc.) just when autumn arrives. However, for the most part, the symptoms of fatigue and the occurrence of mental health problems tend to be ignored and they simply wait for the next spring and summer time. However, if there is a regular lack of energy, it is worth reacting immediately and starting to investigate the reasons. Often the cause can be a lack of some vitamins. We highlight the main vitamins that help fight fatigue.


1. B group vitamins

Our nervous system, muscle work, mental health and general immune system depend on B vitamins. Since group B vitamins are water-soluble, they are not stored in the body and cannot be stored as reserves. It is worth paying special attention to vitamin B12, because it is this, in cooperation with other vitamins of the B group, that helps turn the eaten food into energy. It also keeps the body’s nervous system and blood cells healthy and helps prevent anaemia, which is usually characterised by weakness and fatigue. The best sources of B vitamins are meat (including liver), fish, dairy products and eggs. As a food supplement, it is recommended to always consume group B vitamins as a complex.


2. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is mostly synthesised by our body itself. Cells use coenzyme Q10 for energy and protection from oxidative damage. When Q10 levels drop, the body’s cells cannot produce the energy they need to grow and stay healthy, and this can lead to fatigue. Vitamin Q10 is synthesised by the liver itself, provided that it is undamaged and the body has sufficient reserves of group B vitamins. With age, the body’s ability to synthesise vitamin Q10 decreases, and then you have to start paying special attention to ensure that the required amount of Q10 is met either from food or, if necessary, by taking additional food supplements. The best sources of Q10 include nuts, meat, fatty fish, liver and spinach.


3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is mainly needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, for blood clotting and heart function, to reduce the risk of infection and diabetes, and it is also important for our bones and teeth. In the case of vitamin D deficiency, muscle fatigue is often complained about. This may be due to reduced efficiency of mitochondria, the powerhouses in every cell of the body. Studies have shown that vitamin D increases energy levels in the body’s cells. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to the onset of depressive symptoms.

Although vitamin D is found to a small extent in, for example, fish and eggs, our body mainly receives vitamin D from the sun (through the skin). In summer, 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun is enough to get the daily vitamin D requirement. In the autumn and winter period, when there is no sun, it is recommended to consume vitamin D as a dietary supplement. We recommend NutriDream vitamin D3.


Vitamiinipuutoksen syyt, oireet ja seuraukset

Vitamin deficiency can be caused by:


  • improper diet, including insufficient consumption of vitamin-rich foods (eg, vegetables and fruits).
  • unhealthy lifestyle – excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
  • excessive consumption of food with added sugar – added sugars prevent the absorption of vitamins and deplete the body’s supply of nutrients
  • regular use of certain medications
  • suffering from serious diseases


Symptoms of vitamin deficiency may include:

  • chronic fatigue and muscle weakness
  • mental health disorders
  • frequent illness, e.g. colds
  • dry skin and easily broken nails
  • mouth sores

While a short-term vitamin deficiency usually does not cause serious long-term consequences, a long-term deficiency can lead to dangerous conditions. For example, the body’s susceptibility to serious diseases increases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.), serious metabolic disorders and food intolerances can also occur. In the case of a lack of vitamins E and C, which are important for the body with antioxidant properties, the likelihood of cell damage increases and this promotes the development of chronic inflammation in the body.


Prevention of vitamin deficiency

Although the easiest way to prevent vitamin deficiency seems to be the consumption of various vitamin complexes as a food supplement, in fact, to prevent vitamin deficiency, it is much healthier and better to organise your diet and eat as diverse and minimally processed food as possible. It is very important to consume a sufficient amount (at least 500 g per day) of vegetables, including leafy vegetables, and fruits and berries. To prevent a deficiency of B vitamins, you should eat meat, fish, legumes and whole grains. However, it is worth keeping a limit with the consumption of red meat, because studies have shown that excessive consumption of red meat can cause the growth of bad microorganisms in the intestine and this promotes the development of chronic inflammation.

You should definitely avoid consuming food that is low in fibre and high in sugar. Cereals should always be eaten as whole grains, since the most vitamin-rich part of the grain has been removed from refined cereals.

The only vitamin that should definitely be consumed as a food supplement in the autumn and winter period is vitamin D!


Vitamin-rich superfood mixes to support your diet

The Be More online store has a large selection of superfood powders that contain vitamin-rich natural ingredients and can be easily added to smoothies, porridge or yoghurt. For example, the Be Healthy superfood mix contains large amounts of naturally occurring vitamin C and various B vitamins. Be Active superfood mix is also a superfood powder containing beetroot powder rich in B vitamins.

If you are often tired or have other long-term symptoms of vitamin deficiency, be sure to consult a doctor and have the necessary tests done.


Smoothie recipe against fatigue

To relieve fatigue, choose dark berries in your smoothie, which contain more antioxidants and vitamin C. The best choice of superfood mixes is Be Active because it contains B vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid, all of which fight fatigue and support an active lifestyle.

The beetroot in the mixture is rich in fibre, contains folate, B vitamins and is beneficial for the heart and nervous system, lowers blood pressure, and promotes digestion.

Goji berries have a high content of antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, which restore strength and relieve stress.

Camu-camu contains a large amount of vitamin C and zinc, which strengthen the immune system and are anti-inflammatory.

Blackberry is one of the berries growing in Estonia with the highest antioxidant content, which is also a good source of vitamin C and supports eye health.


  • 1 banana
  • a handful of blueberries
  • a handful of raspberries
  • a handful of blackcurrants
  • 150 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon of Be More hemp seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Be Active superfood mix

Author of the article: Nutrition therapist Diana Zintšenko

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